We carry out retail and wholesale sales of ancient Russian souvenirs and jewelry.

Phone: 8-800-222-62-02 (free from any phone)

Our address: 173003, Veliky Novgorod, st. Velikaya, house 22


Feedback form We tried to place all the useful information on the site, but if you have any questions or wishes addressed to us, please use the feedback form.


Organization details:

P / S Sberbank
Individual entrepreneur Alyoshin Maxim Genrikhovich
Account number: 40802810543000003603
Beneficiary's bank: NOVGOROD BRANCH N 8629 PJSC SBERBANK
BIK: 044959698
Cor. account: 30101810100000000698
INN: 532102936645
OGRN: 307532136200034

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