Lunnitsa "Young lady"
Lunnitsa "Young lady"
Lunnitsa "Young lady"
Lunnitsa "Young lady"
Lunnitsa "Young lady"

Product description

Average weight: 5g. Lunnitsa is a talisman of women's health. Lunnitsa is an exclusively female amulet, as the moon is a symbol of feminine energy: gentle, soft and soothing, which is someti
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Lunnitsa "Young lady"

Average weight: 5g. Lunnitsa is a talisman of women's health. Lunnitsa is an exclusively female amulet, as the moon is a symbol of feminine energy: gentle, soft and soothing, which is someti
Art: Л17.06.02.00
Size: M (H 30 мм, L 28 мм)
Weight: 5 г.
Coating color:
790 RUB

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Ring "Ruslana" slotted
Товар скрыт из каталога
Товар скрыт из каталога
Товар скрыт из каталога
Товар скрыт из каталога
Art: Л13.
Size: 15.0 (H 6,5 мм, р.15)
Weight: 3 g
Material: Brass
Covering: -
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790 р
Material: Brass
Size: 15.0 (H 6,5 мм, р.15)
About product
Ring "Ruslana"
Товар скрыт из каталога
Товар скрыт из каталога
Товар скрыт из каталога
Товар скрыт из каталога
Art: Л13.
Size: 15.0 (H 6,5 мм, р.15)
Weight: 3 g
Material: Brass
Covering: -
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790 р
Material: Brass
Size: 15.0 (H 6,5 мм, р.15)
About product
Bracelet-lace "Young lady"
Art: Л01.
Size: M (Щиток H 30 мм, L 28 мм)
Weight: 6 g
Material: Copper
Covering: Lace, Black
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690 р
Material: Copper

Size: M (Щиток H 30 мм, L 28 мм)

About product
Bracelet-lace transformer "Young lady"
Art: Л01.
Size: M (Щиток H 30 мм, L 28 мм)
Weight: 6 g
Material: Brass
Covering: Lace, Black
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580 р
Material: Brass
Size: M (Щиток H 30 мм, L 28 мм)